Thank you for using the [Samsung Smart Home] application.
[Samsung Smart Home] has long been the app to manage and monitor Samsung home appliances.
Now, we would like to introduce you to the all-new [SmartThings] platform which will replace [Samsung Smart Home] and provide enhanced features, functionality and benefits.
[SmartThings] will now be able to connect and control not only Samsung home appliances, but many other devices and appliances like lamps, switches etc.
[SmartThings] is the platform to unify your smart devices and realize the dream of a having a truly smart home.
Download now and enjoy a better home IoT environment by connecting all of your home devices to the all-new [SmartThings] Platform.
This service needs access permissions for the following:
[Required Access Permission]
- Location: Required to search for nearby appliances
- Phone: Required to call the service center
- Contacts: Registered Samsung Account information will be used to provide services that require account linking
- Storage: Required to save Whiteboard contents
[Optional Access Permission]
- Camera: Needed to use the Smart Care feature
感谢您使用[Samsung Smart Home]应用程序。
[Samsung Smart Home]长期以来一直是用于管理和监视三星家用电器的应用程序。
现在,我们想向您介绍全新的[SmartThings]平台,它将取代[Samsung Smart Home]并提供增强的功能,特性和优势。
-相机:需要使用Smart Care功能